செல்வவள இராஜ யோகங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1. If Karm’s Lord is yuti with, or receives a Drishti from
the dispositor of Amatya Karak, or even, if Karm’s Lord is yuti
with, or receives a Drishti from Amatya Karak himself, the
native will be a chief in the king’s court.
2. If Karm and Labh Bhava are devoid of malefic occupation and devoid of Drishti from a malefic, while Labh Bhava receives a Drishti from its own Lord, the native will be a chief in the king’s court.
3. Should Amatya Karak and the dispositor of Atma Karak be together, the native will be endowed with great intelligence and will be a king’s minister. (‘Karakendr’ is interpreted here, as the dispositor of Atma Karak. Similarly ‘Amatyesa’ means the dispositor of Amatya Karak)
4. If Atma Karak is strong and is with a benefic, or Amatya Karak is in its own Bhava, or in exaltation, one will surely become a king’s minister.
5. There is no doubt in one’s becoming a king’s minister and famous, if Atma Karak is in Tanu, or Putr, or Dharm Bhava.
6. If Atma Karak, or Amatya Karak is placed in a Kendr, or in a Kon, the native will beget royal mercy, royal patronage and happiness thereof.
7. Should malefics be in the 3rd and the 6th from Atma Karak, or from Arudh Lagn, or in Sahaj and Ari Bhava, one will become Army chief.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
செல்வவள இராஜ யோகங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், karak, amatya, atma, ஜோதிடம், king’s, bhava, drishti, native, dispositor, chief, யோகங்கள், இராஜ, minister, பராசர, பிருஹத், lord, receives, சாஸ்திரம், செல்வவள, karm’s, royal, yuti, malefic, court, devoid, labh