யோகக் காரகர்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
31-32. Grahas and Kanya Lagn. Mangal, Guru and Candr are
malefics, while Budh and Sukr are auspicious. Sukr’s
Yuti with Budh will produce Yog. Sukr is a killer as well.
Surya’s role will depend on his association.
33-34. Grahas and Tula Lagn. Guru, Surya and Mangal are malefics. Auspicious are Sani and Budh. Candr and Budh will cause Raj Yog. Mangal is a killer. Guru and other malefics will also acquire a disposition to inflict death. Sukr is neutral.
35-36. Grahas and Vrischik Lagn. Sukr, Budh and Sani are malefics. Guru and Candr are auspicious. Surya, as well as Candr are Yog Karakas. Mangal is neutral. Sukr and other malefics acquire the quality of causing death.
37-38. Grahas and Dhanu Lagn. Only Sukr is inauspicious. Mangal and Surya are auspicious. Surya and Budh are capable of conferring a Yog. Sani is a killer, Guru is neutral. Sukr acquires killing powers.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
யோகக் காரகர்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், sukr, budh, ஜோதிடம், guru, mangal, malefics, surya, auspicious, candr, lagn, grahas, neutral, காரகர்கள், sani, killer, பிருஹத், பராசர, சாஸ்திரம், யோகக், acquire, death