உப பாதம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-6. O Brahmin, now I tell you about Upa Pad, the
auspiciousness of which will confer on the native happiness from
progeny, wife etc. The Pad of Lagn, as discussed earlier, is of
prime importance. Upa Pad is calculated for the Bhava, following
the natal Lagn. This Upa Pad is also called Gaun Pad. O
excellent of the Brahmins, if Upa Pad is yuti with, or receives
a Drishti from a benefic Grah, one will obtain full happiness
from progeny and spouse. Should the Upa Pad be in a malefic’s
Rasi, or receives a Drishti from, or is yuti with a
malefic, one will become an ascetic and go without a wife. If
(in the said circumstances) there be a benefic Drishti (on Upa
Pad, or the related malefic), or a yuti, deprival of spouse will
not come to pass. In this case Surya, being exalted, or in
a friendly Rasi, is not a malefic. He is a malefic, if
in debilitation, or in an enemy’s Rasi.
Notes. Regarding Upa Pad calculations, there are more than two views on the same Sloka of Maharishi Parashar, or an identical Sutra from Jaimini. In this text, the word ‘Anuchar’ is used, which denotes ‘the Bhava, following the Lagn at birth’. Normally this is Vyaya Bhava. However, when we study other commentaries on Jaimini (Chaukhambh Hindi edition), we are taught, that it is Vyaya Bhava in the case of an odd Rasi ascending and it is Dhan Bhava in the case of an even Rasi ascending. Accordingly the Pad for the 12th, or the 2nd from Lagn is called Upa Pad. In calculating Upa Pad the rules mentioned in verses 4 and 5 of the previous chapter be kept in mind.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
உப பாதம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், bhava, ஜோதிடம், rasi, lagn, malefic, case, பாதம், பிருஹத், பராசர, drishti, சாஸ்திரம், yuti, jaimini, ascending, vyaya, spouse, called, progeny, happiness, wife, following, receives, benefic