சிறப்பு இலக்கினங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1. Oh excellent of the Brahmins, I explain below again some
special Lagnas, viz. Bhava Lagn, Hora Lagn and Ghati Lagn.
2-3. Bhava Lagn. From sunrise to the time of birth every 5 Ghatis (or 120 minutes) constitute one Bhava Lagn. Divide the time of birth (in Ghatis, Vighatis etc.) from sunrise by 5 and add the quotient etc. to Surya’s longitude, as at sunrise. This is called Bhava Lagn.
4-5. Hora Lagn. Again from sunrise till the time of birth Hora Lagn repeats itself every 2½ Ghatis (i. e. 60 minutes). Divide the time past up to birth from sunrise by 2½ and add the quotient etc. in Rasis, degrees and so on to the longitude of Surya, as at the sunrise. This will yield Hora Lagn in Rasi, degrees etc.
6-8. Ghati Lagn (Ghatik Lagn). Now listen to the method of working out Ghati Lagn. This Lagn changes along with every Ghati (24 minutes) from the sunrise. Note birth time in Ghatis and Vighatis. Consider the number of Ghatis past, as number of Rasis, or Ghati Lagnas. The Vighatis be divided by 2 to arrive at degrees and minutes of arc, past in the said Ghati Lagn. The product so arrived in Rasis, degrees and minutes be added to Surya’s longitude, as at sunrise, to get the exact location of Ghati Lagn. So say Maharishis, like Narada.
9. Use of Special Lagnas. Keeping the Grahas at birth, as it is, prepare various Bhava Kundalis with respect to each special Lagn and analyze, as done for the natal Lagn.
10-13½. Varnad Dasha. I now detail Varnad Dasha, just by knowing which one can deal with the longevity of a native. If the natal Lagn is an odd Rasi, count directly from Mesh to natal Lagn. If the natal Lagn is an even Rasi, count from Meen to the natal Lagn in the reverse order. Similarly, if the Hora Lagn is an odd one, count from Mesh to Hora Lagn in direct order. If the Hora Lagn is an even one, count from Meen to Hora Lagn in the reverse order. If both the products are odd Rasis, or even Rasis, then add both the figures. If one is odd and the other is even, then know the difference between the two products. If the latest product in this process is an odd one, count so many Rasis from Mesh in a direct manner; if an even one, count so many Rasis from Meen in reverse order. The Rasi so known will be the Varnad for Lagn.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
சிறப்பு இலக்கினங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், lagn, hora, sunrise, rasis, ghati, count, birth, ghatis, time, natal, ஜோதிடம், minutes, bhava, degrees, rasi, order, past, reverse, meen, mesh, varnad, vighatis, சாஸ்திரம், பராசர, பிருஹத், இலக்கினங்கள், special, lagnas, longitude, சிறப்பு, 2½, direct, products, surya’s, quotient, product, divide, dasha