நபாச யோகங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-2. O excellent of the Brahmins, explained below are 32
Nabhash Yogas, which have a total of 1800 different varieties.
These consist of 3 Asraya Yogas, 2 Dala Yogas, 20 Akriti Yogas
and 7 Sankhya Yogas.
3-6. Names of Nabhash Yogas. The 3 Asraya Yogas are Rajju, Musala and Nala Yogas. The 2 Dala Yogas are Maal and Sarpa. The 20 Akriti Yogas are Gada, Sakat, Shringatak, Vihag, Hal, Vajr, Kamal, Vapi, Yup, Shar, Shakti, Danda, Nisk, Koot, Chatr, Dhanushi (Chap), Ardh, Candr, Chakr and Samudr Yogas. The 7 Sankhya Yogas are Vallaki, Daam, Paash, Kedara, Sool, Yuga and Gola Yogas. Thus these are 32 in total.
7. Rajju, Musala and Nala Yogas. All the Grahas in Movable Rasis cause Rajju Yog. All the Grahas in Fixed Rasis cause Musala Yog. All the Grahas in Dual Rasis cause Nala Yog.
8. Maal and Sarpa Yogas. If 3 Kendras are occupied by benefics, Maal Yog is produced, while malefics so placed will cause Bhujang, or Sarpa Yog. These Yogas, respectively, produce benefic and malefic results.
9-11. Gada, Sakat, Vihag, Shringatak, Hal, Vajr and Yav Yogas. If all the Grahas occupy two successive Kendras, Gada Yog is formed. Sakat Yog occurs, when all the Grahas are disposed in Lagn and Yuvati Bhava. If all confine to Bandhu and Karm Bhava, then Vihag Yog occurs. All Grahas in Lagn, Putr and Dharm Bhava cause Shringatak Yog, while all Grahas in Dhan, Ari and Karm Bhava, or in Sahaj, Yuvati and Labh Bhava, or in Bandhu, Randhr and Vyaya Bhava cause Hal Yog. Vajr Yog is caused by all benefics in Lagn and Yuvati Bhava, or all malefics in Bandhu and Karm Bhava. In a contrary situation, i.e. all benefics in Bandhu and Karm Bhava, or all malefics in Lagn and Yuvati Bhava, Yav Yog is generated.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
நபாச யோகங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், yogas, bhava, grahas, ஜோதிடம், karm, yuvati, bandhu, lagn, vihag, shringatak, sakat, gada, malefics, sarpa, benefics, rasis, vajr, maal, பராசர, நபாச, சாஸ்திரம், பிருஹத், யோகங்கள், nala, musala, rajju, nabhash, occurs, kendras, sankhya, akriti, dala, asraya, total