தொலைந்த ஜாதகம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-2. Maitreya said. O Sage! You have so far described the
auspicious and inauspicious effects to be enjoyed, or suffered
by a person on the basis of the time of birth, but can the
auspicious and inauspicious be ascertained, when the time of
birth is not known? Kindly tell me, if there is any way to solve
this problem.
3-4. The Sage said. Your question is a good one and is for the benefit of the world at large. Considering your attachment, I will tell you about this problem also. If any, or all amongst the Samvatsar, Ayana, Ritu, month, Paksha, Tithi, Nakshatr, Lagn, Rasi, or Amsas etc. of the birth are not known, these can be ascertained from Prasna Lagn (Query chart).
5-6. The Samvatsar of the birth of the querist will be the same, as that of the Rasi in the Dwadasams, in which the Prasna Lagn falls (Guru will be in that Rasi at birth). Saumyayan (Uttarayan - the northern course of Surya) will be in the first Hora of Lagn and Yamyayan (Dakshinayan - the southern course of Surya) will be in its second Hora. The Ritu (season) may be determined with reference to the Lord of the Drekkan, in which Lagn falls. Shishir will be indicated by the Drekkan of Sani, Grishma by that of Surya and Mangal, Vasanta by that of Sukr, Varsha by that of Candr, Sharad by that of Budh and Hemanta by that of Guru.
7. If there be any contradiction in the Ayana and Ritu, the Ritu may be determined from Budh in place of Mangal, from Sukr in place of Candr and from Sani in place of Guru.
8-9. After the Ritu becomes known take the first part of the Drekkan, as its first month and latter part, as the next month of the Ritu. Then from the expired Amsas of the Drekkan determine proportionately the Tithi, or the Amsas of Surya. The Istakal, indicated by the Amsas (degrees) of Surya, will be the time of the birth of the querist. From the Istakal so calculated have to be worked out the longitudes of the Grahas and Bhavas (Grah Spast and Bhava Spast). Predictions should then be made in accordance with the dispositions of the Bhavas and Grahas.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
தொலைந்த ஜாதகம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், ritu, birth, lagn, surya, ஜோதிடம், drekkan, amsas, month, சாஸ்திரம், ஜாதகம், பராசர, தொலைந்த, rasi, place, guru, first, time, hora, பிருஹத், mangal, indicated, sani, sukr, budh, bhavas, spast, grahas, istakal, part, candr, falls, problem, samvatsar, ascertained, inauspicious, auspicious, ayana, tithi, course, sage, querist, prasna, determined