கிரகங்களின் காரக அவஸ்தை - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-2. I now detail below Atma Karak etc., obtainable from
among the 7 Grahas, viz. Surya to Sani. Some say, that
Rahu will become a Karak, when there is a state of similarity in
terms of longitude between (two) Grahas. Yet some say, that the
8 Grahas, including Rahu, will have to be considered
irrespective of such a state.
3-8. Atma Karak Defined. Among the Grahas from Surya etc. whichever has traversed maximum number of degrees in a particular Rasi is called Atma Karak. If the degrees are identical, then the one with more minutes of arc and, if the minutes are also identical, then the one with higher seconds of arc, have to be considered. In that case these three are called Anthya Karak, Madhya Karak and Upakheta. In the case of Rahu deduct his longitude in that particular Rasi from 30. The Karakas will have to be decided, as above and, as per further rules given below. Out of these Karakas, Atma Karak is the most important and has a prime say on the native, just as the king is the most famous among the men of his country and is the head of all affairs and is entitled to arrest and release men.
9-12. Importance of Atma Karak. O Brahmin, as the minister cannot go against the king, the other Karakas, viz. Putr Karak, Amatya Karak etc. cannot predominate over Atma Karak in the affairs of the native. If the Atma Karak is adverse, other Karakas cannot give their benefic effects. Similarly, if Atma Karak is favourable, other Karakas cannot predominate with their malefic influences.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
கிரகங்களின் காரக அவஸ்தை - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், karak, atma, ஜோதிடம், karakas, grahas, cannot, கிரகங்களின், rahu, among, பிருஹத், காரக, பராசர, அவஸ்தை, சாஸ்திரம், case, native, king, minutes, affairs, predominate, longitude, considered, state, surya, degrees, particular, called, rasi, identical