இஷ்ட மற்றும் கஷ்ட பலங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1. Now I narrate the benefic and malefic tendencies of the
Grahas, based on which the Dasha effects can be decided.
2. Exaltation Rays. Deduct the Grah’s debilitation point from its actual position. If the sum exceeds 6 Rasis, deduct from 12 Rasis. The said sum should then be increased by 1 Rasi. The degrees etc. be multiplied by 2, which, when considered along with Rasis, will indicate the Uchch Rasmi of the Grah.
3-4. Chesht Rasmi. Chesht Rasmis are to be calculated from Chesht Kendr similar to Uchch Rasmi computations. The Chesht Kendras of Grahas from Mangal to Sani have already been explained. Add 3 Rasis to Sayan Surya (i.e. with Ayanans), which will be the Chesht Kendr for Surya. The sidereal longitude of Surya should be deducted from Candr to get Candr’s Chesht Kendr. If the Chesht Kendr (for any Grah) is in excess of 6 Rasis, deduct it from 12 Rasis. Add 1 Rasi and multiply the degrees etc. by 2, which will indicate the Chesht Rasmi of the Grah.
5. Benefic and Malefic Rays. Add the Uchch Rasmis and Chesht Rasmis together and divide by two. The result will be auspicious rays (Subh Rasmis). Deduct from 8 the Subh Rasmis to obtain inauspicious rays (Asubh Rasmis).
6. Isht and Kasht Tendencies. Reduce 1 from each of Chesht Rasmi and Uchch Rasmi. Then multiply the products by 10 and add together. Half of the sum will represent the Isht Phala (benefic tendency) of the Grah. Reduce Isht Phala from 60 to obtain the Grah’s Kasht Phala (malefic tendency).
7-9. Isht and Kasht and Sapt Varg Phal. 60, 45, 30, 22, 15, 8, 4, 2 and 0 are the Subhankas (Subha Griha Pankthis, benefic points), due to a Grah’s placement, respectively, in exaltation, Mooltrikon, own, great friend’s, friend’s, neutral, enemy’s, great enemy’s and debilitation Rasi. If Subhanka is deducted from 60, Asubhanka (Asubh Pankthi, inauspicious points) will emerge. O Brahmin, in other Vargas these are halved.
10. A Grah is considered auspicious in the first five of the said places. In the sixth place it is neutral, i.e. neither good nor bad. And in the other three places it is inauspicious.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
இஷ்ட மற்றும் கஷ்ட பலங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், chesht, rasmis, rasis, rasmi, grah, ஜோதிடம், rays, kendr, deduct, uchch, isht, benefic, இஷ்ட, கஷ்ட, பராசர, surya, phala, kasht, inauspicious, பலங்கள், சாஸ்திரம், malefic, பிருஹத், grah’s, rasi, reduce, places, tendencies, enemy’s, points, neutral, asubh, friend’s, tendency, subh, exaltation, debilitation, degrees, considered, deducted, multiply, obtain, indicate, auspicious, together, grahas