பெண் ஜாதகம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1. Maitreya asked. O Sage! You have described the effects of
many kinds. Now be kind enough to throw light on Stri Jatak
(female horoscopy).
2. Maharishi Parasara replied. What a good question! Listen to what I am going to tell you about the Rasi Kundalis of females. All the effects, that have been described till now in the case of male horoscopies, will apply to females also. Matters, relating to her physical appearance, should be determined from Lagn, those, relating to children, from the 5th Bhava, fortune for the husband from the 7th and death of the husband (widowhood) should be deduced from the 8th. Those effects, which are impossible to ascribe to the female, should be declared to be applicable to her husband.
Brihat Jatak. “Of the effects, that have been described till now in the case of male horoscopes and those, that may be found in female horoscopes, suitable to females, should be declared, as applicable to them alone. The rest should be ascribed to their husbands. The death of the husband is to be deduced through the 8th place (from Lagn, or Candr, whichever is stronger). Matters, relating to her appearance, beauty etc., should be determined from Lagn and the Rasi, occupied by Candr. It is from the 7th place (from Lagn, or Candr), that her welfare (happiness) and the nature of the husband should be ascertained.”
Mantreswara’s Phaldeepika. “Whatever effects are declared for men, they are entirely applicable to women too. The woman’s prosperity and happiness have to be deduced from the 8th place (from Lagn, or Candr, whichever is stronger). Children should be declared from the 9th Bhava and matters, relating to her appearance, beauty etc., should be determined from Lagn. It is from the 7th place, that her welfare (power of influencing her husband) and the nature of the husband should be ascertained, while her association and chastity should be predicted from an examination of the 4th Bhava. Benefics in those Bhavas produce good results, while malefics in the above Bhavas are productive of evil, unless they happen to own the Bhavas, in which case the effects will be good.”
Jatak Parijata. Whatever effects may accrue from the horoscopes of females, applicable only to men, should be ascribed to the husband. The good and evil, affecting their person, should be calculated from Candr and Lagn, whichever of them is stronger. It is from the 7th Bhava from Lagn, or Candr, that all, that is worthy, or unworthy in the husband should be ascertained and the death of the husband is foretold through the 8th. All this should be well weighed by the strength, or weakness of the Grahas, benefic and malefic. Before an announcement is made, of Lagn and Candr find, which is stronger. It is with reference to this, that the luck, beauty and strength of the women should be announced. Children and wealth in abundance should be declared through the 9th Bhava therefrom. Wedded happiness, or otherwise should be gathered from the 8th and husband’s fortune from the 7th. Some Jyotishis opine, that the well-being, or the reverses of the husband can be determined from the 9th.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
பெண் ஜாதகம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், husband, lagn, effects, candr, bhava, ஜோதிடம், declared, determined, relating, applicable, females, place, stronger, happiness, ascertained, beauty, bhavas, death, whichever, deduced, horoscopes, children, பெண், jatak, சாஸ்திரம், பராசர, ஜாதகம், பிருஹத், female, described, appearance, case, matters, women, evil, strength, nature, fortune, welfare, rasi, parasara, brihat, male, ascribed