கிரக பலங்கள் மதிப்பீடு - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
Shad Bal consists of the following: Sthan Bal (positional),
Dig Bal (directional), Kaal Bal (Temporal), inclusive of Ayan
Bal (equinoctial), Chesht Bal (motional), Naisargika Bal
(natural), Drik Bal (aspectual). These strengths are computed
for the seven Grahas from Surya to Sani. The nodes are
not considered.
Sthan Bal comprises of the following considerations: Uchch Bal (exaltation), Sapt Vargaj Bal (strength accruing out of positions in Rasi, Hora, Dreshkan, Saptans, Navans, Dvadashans and Trimshans), OjhayugmaRasians Bal (acquired by placement in odd, or even Rasi and in odd, or even Navans), Kendradi Bal (due to placement in Kon, or Panaphara, or Apoklima Bhava), Dreshkan Bal (due to placement in first, second, or third decanate of a Rasi).
Kaal Bal comprises of the following subdivisions: Nathonnata Bal (diurnal and nocturnal), Paksh Bal (fortnight), Tribhag Bal (due to day/night being made in 3 parts), Varsh, Maas, Dina and Hora Bal (Varsh - astrological year, Maas - month, Dina - weekday and Hora - planetary hour), Ayan Bal (equinoctial), Yudhdh Bal (due to partaking in war between Grahas).
1-1½. Sthan Bal (up to Sloka 6). Firstly Uchch Bal. Now about the strengths by classes positional, temporal etc. Deduct from the longitude of the Grah its (deep) debilitation point. If the sum is less than 6 Rasis, consider it, as it is; if it exceeds 6 Rasis, deduct the same from 12 Rasis. The sum so got be converted into degrees etc. and divided by 3, which is the Grah’s Uchch Bal in Virupas.
2-4. Sapt Vargaj Bal. If a Grah is in its Mooltrikon Rasi, it gets 45 Virupas, in Svasth Rasi 30 Virupas, in Pramudit Rasi 20 Virupas, in Shant Rasi 15 Virupas, in Din Rasi 10 Virupas, in Duhkhit Rasi 4 Virupas and in Khal Rasi 2 Virupas. Similarly these values occur for the other 6 divisional occupations, viz. Hora, Dreshkan, Saptans, Navans, Dvadashans and Trimshans. When all these are added together the Grah’s Sapt Vargaj Bal emerges.
4½. OjhayugmaRasians Bal. Each of Sukr and Candr in even Rasis and others in odd Rasis acquire a quarter of Rupa. These are applicable to such Navansas also.
5. Kendradi Bal. A Grah in a Kon gets full strength, while one in Panaphara Bhava gets half and the one in Apoklima Bhava gets a quarter, as Kendradi Bal.
6. Dreshkan Bal. Male, female and hermaphrodite Grahas, respectively, get a quarter Rupa according to placements in the first, second and third decanates.
7-7½. Dig Bal. Deduct Bandhu Bhava (Nadir) from the longitudes of Surya and Mangal, Yuvati Bhava from that of Guru and Budh, Karm Bhava from that of Sukr and Candr and lastly Lagn from that of Sani. If the sum is above 180 degrees, deduct the sum from 360. The sum arrived in either way be divided by 3, which will be Dig Bal of the Grah.
8-9. Kaal Bal (up to Sloka 17). Firstly Nathonnata Bal. Find out the difference between midnight and the apparent birth time, which is called Unnata. Deduct Unnata from 30 Ghatis to obtain Nata. Double the Nata in Ghatis, which will indicate identical Nata Bal for Candr, Mangal and Sani. Deduct the Nata from 60 to know the Unnata Bal of Surya, Guru and Sukr. Budh, irrespective of day and night, gets full Nathonnata Bal.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
கிரக பலங்கள் மதிப்பீடு - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், rasi, virupas, deduct, bhava, gets, ஜோதிடம், rasis, hora, grah, dreshkan, nata, placement, vargaj, navans, கிரக, nathonnata, sukr, candr, sapt, quarter, unnata, kendradi, following, sthan, grahas, சாஸ்திரம், பராசர, uchch, surya, பலங்கள், kaal, sani, மதிப்பீடு, பிருஹத், positional, degrees, divided, grah’s, rupa, budh, ghatis, guru, mangal, full, temporal, dina, ojhayugmarasians, strengths, panaphara, trimshans, dvadashans, strength, comprises, saptans, apoklima, equinoctial, varsh, maas, sloka, night, ayan, first, second, third, firstly