செவ்வாய் தசை மற்றும் புக்திகளில் ஏற்படும் விளைவுகள் (விம்சோத்தரி) - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-2½. Effects, like gains of wealth by the beneficence
of the king, beneficence of Goddess Lakshmi, recovery of a lost
kingdom and of wealth, birth of a son, will arise in the Antar
Dasha of Mangal in his own Dasha, if he is in a Kendr, in Putr,
in Dharm, in Labh, in Sahaj, or in Dhan, or be associated with
the Lord of Lagn.
3-4. Fulfillment of ambitions by the beneficence of the king and acquisition of a house, land, cow, buffalo etc. will be the effects, if Mangal is in his exaltation, in his own Rasi, or in his own Navans and is endowed with strength.
5-5½. Urinary troubles, wounds, danger from snakes and the king will be the results, if Mangal is in Randhr, or Vyaya, or is associated with, or receives a Drishti from malefics.
6-8. There will be mental agony and body pains, if Mangal is the Lord of Dhan, or Yuvati. Lord Shiva will give relief by restoring health and providing gains of wealth and happiness, if the person concerned performs Rudr Japa and gives a red-coloured bull in charity.
9-10½. Effects, like recognition from government, gain of house, land etc., happiness from son, extraordinary profits in business, bathing in holy rivers, like Ganges and foreign journeys, will be the auspicious effects in the Antar Dasha of Rahu in the Dasha of Mangal, if Rahu is in his Multrikon, in his exaltation Rasi, in a Kendr, in Labh, Putr, or Dharm and is associated with benefics.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
செவ்வாய் தசை மற்றும் புக்திகளில் ஏற்படும் விளைவுகள் (விம்சோத்தரி) - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், ஜோதிடம், mangal, effects, dasha, lord, beneficence, செவ்வாய், associated, king, wealth, விளைவுகள், புக்திகளில், விம்சோத்தரி, ஏற்படும், பிருஹத், சாஸ்திரம், பராசர, house, land, rasi, rahu, happiness, exaltation, antar, kendr, gains, putr, dharm, labh, dhan