இராசி பிரிவின் காரணங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-8. Use of the 16 Divisions. Now I will explain the use of
these sixteen divisions. The physique from Lagn, wealth from
Hora, happiness through co-born from Dreshkan, fortunes from
Chaturthans, sons and grandsons from
Saptans, spouse from Navans, power
(and position) from Dashans, parents from
Dvadashans, benefits and adversities through
conveyances from Shodashans, worship from
Vimshans, learning from
Chaturvimshans, strength and weakness from
Saptavimshans, evil effects from
Trimshans, auspicious and inauspicious effects
from Khavedans and all indications from both
Akshavedans and Shashtians: these
are the considerations to be made through the respective Vargas.
The Bhava, whose Lord is in a malefic Shashtians,
will diminish; so say Garga and others. The Bhava, whose Lord is
in a benefic Shodashans, flourish. This is how
the 16 Vargas are to be evaluated.
9-12. After assessing the 20 point strength of the ascending degree, of other Bhavas and of the Grahas, the good and bad effects be declared. I explain below the method of knowing the Vimsopak strength (20 point strength), just by knowing which an idea of the results of actions of this birth and of former birth will clearly emerge. The Grahas from Surya on get full strength, when in exaltation, or in own Rasi and are bereft of strength, when in the 7th (from exaltation). In between the strength be known by the rule of three process. In the case of a Grah, owning two Rasis, distinction of placement in odd/even Rasi identical with own Rasi be made.
13-16. Hora, Dreshkan and Trimshans Effects. Guru, Surya and Mangal give (pronounced) effects in the Hora of Surya. Candr, Sukr and Sani do so, when in Candr’s Horas; Budh is effective in both the Horas. In the case of an even Rasi the Hora of Candr will be powerful in effects, while Surya’s Hora in an odd Rasi will be so. Full, medium and nil will be the effects, respectively, in the beginning middle and the end of a Hora. Similar applications be made for a Dreshkan, Turyans, Navans etc. As for Trimshans effects, Surya is akin to Mangal and Candr is akin to Sukr. The effects, applicable to Rasi, will apply to Trimshans.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
இராசி பிரிவின் காரணங்கள் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், effects, hora, strength, rasi, ஜோதிடம், surya, trimshans, இராசி, candr, made, பிருஹத், பிரிவின், காரணங்கள், சாஸ்திரம், பராசர, dreshkan, exaltation, full, akin, mangal, horas, sukr, case, grahas, vargas, shashtians, divisions, shodashans, bhava, lord, knowing, navans, point, birth