அஷ்டகவர்க்கம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம்
1-4. Maitreya said: “O Venerable Sage! You have described
many kinds of effects, relating to the Grahas and Bhavas, after
incorporating the views of many sages and Acharyas, but it is
not possible to say with certainty, if a particular effect is
quite correct, after considering the contradictions in the
effects by the movements of the various Grahas. As because of
sinful deeds, committed by people in Kaliyuga, their minds have
become blunt, be kind enough to describe a method, which would
enable even the shallow minded persons to ascertain their
happiness and sorrows and determine their longevity on the basis
of the positions of the Grahas in transit.”
5-6. The sage replied: “O Brahmin! You have put a very intelligent question. I will now describe the Shastra for the benefit of all, the Shastra, in which there will be no contradictions in judging the effects of happiness and sorrows and for determination of the longevity. You now listen to me carefully.
7-11. If the 12 Bhavas, including Lagn, are occupied by, or aspected by benefic Grahas, they yield auspicious results, according to their characteristics, but this happens, where the Grahas concerned are in their exaltation Rasi, own Rasi, or posited in a benefic Bhava. There will be no good effects, if such Grahas are in depression, or posited in an inauspicious Bhava. Similarly the Bhavas, associated with, or aspected by malefics in depression, or posited in malefic Bhavas, yield adverse results, according to their characteristics. If such Grahas be in their exaltation Rasi, the effects will not be adverse. This is how the general effects have been described by the Daivajnas. I have only repeated those effects. The main purposes of this Jyotish Shastra are to determine the longevity and joys and sorrows of the people, but because the movements of the Grahas are so subtle, even sages, like Vashista and Brihaspati, have not been able to be quite definite in this respect. Then how can a common man, particularly in Kaliyuga, do so.
தேடல் தொடர்பான தகவல்கள்:
அஷ்டகவர்க்கம் - பிருஹத் பராசர ஹோர சாஸ்திரம், grahas, effects, ஜோதிடம், bhavas, posited, rasi, பராசர, sorrows, பிருஹத், சாஸ்திரம், shastra, longevity, அஷ்டகவர்க்கம், results, yield, bhava, depression, adverse, benefic, exaltation, characteristics, according, describe, quite, sages, described, sage, contradictions, movements, determine, happiness, kaliyuga, people, aspected